Well isn't that just the luck of the draw!

This is becoming one very expensive month for me.....and I am not complaining. Started taking a woodworking course last week which will hopefully fine tune my skills with hand tools (might help with the carving I have taken up over the past few months too.)

Was on a waiting list for the course that would graduate me from my M1 and move me into the M2 catagory...got a call last week and am now in the class for next weekend! Motorists beware!!!

On that note as well, I am also looking right now for a vehicle and definitely have my heart set on some sort of power 4x4 SUV....and it didn't take long to find it:) SOLD!!!

Have also become a little addicted again to reading...and I have to say, this is quite an expensive habit. Have already polished off three books in a little under two weeks (The Thirteenth Tale, Twilight and New Moon). Am now plowing through the last two books in the Stephenie Meyer series (Eclipse and Breaking Dawn). Also in the midst of Eats, Shoots and Leaves and The World Without Us.

And we are only half way into September!!! Things could get interesting:)



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