Currently in the works (wood wise):
Oak roll-top pedestal desk
Chair with ball and claw legs
Sexy high-heeled shoes
Piece of art for stairway wall
Desk/ table for the kitchen
and perhaps one day...I'll finally start my murphy bed:)

(shoe will take more shape soon!)
(fabric wise):
A pink and cream dress reminisent of the 1970s
Pants 1930s style

(fun coloured dress)
Oak roll-top pedestal desk
Chair with ball and claw legs
Sexy high-heeled shoes
Piece of art for stairway wall
Desk/ table for the kitchen
and perhaps one day...I'll finally start my murphy bed:)

(shoe will take more shape soon!)
(fabric wise):
A pink and cream dress reminisent of the 1970s
Pants 1930s style

(fun coloured dress)