Just for you Mom!!!
So, here you go....Women win the Gold medal in hockey and those gorgeous rings display the beautiful glow of Gold across the water.
My mom, a huge hockey fan....who has gone further than just loving to watch the game, but to also play. An amazing hockey player that she is (although, shame on me for not hanging out in the arena more....it's cold in there!!!) Powerful, active, honest, amazing, independant female- there is no doubt where I get my driven personality;)
I am hoping that pictures of wandering around through the downtown core of Vancouver will give an idea of it's splendor. This picture though, is a special request from Mom....a moment in time to share what I am seeing and talking so animated about over a phone which cannot do quite the justice I was seeking.
And last, but definintely not least....the cauldron....in all it's glory. A site so beautiful that I could sit here all night devouring the beauty, heat and rush of people it brings.
My mom, a huge hockey fan....who has gone further than just loving to watch the game, but to also play. An amazing hockey player that she is (although, shame on me for not hanging out in the arena more....it's cold in there!!!) Powerful, active, honest, amazing, independant female- there is no doubt where I get my driven personality;)
Well, I am off to see more of the great sites of this amazing city! Until next time:)
Go Canada go and even the tense moments of that 24 seconds to go goal by the U.S.A. Needn't worry though Crosby came through