It's official!
I am now "graduated" from physio. It was a long painful journey to this point, and I am sure it will continue to be challenging at times...but I have great a support system to get me through those times!
Medical put the wrong cast on and it was pulled off. The second was horrible but it stayed on until the next day. This (the second cast) being pulled off to check for damage/ swelling (day after break)
X-rays to see what damage has been done.
Third cast- they need to wait for the swelling to go down before determining surgery.
After a week and a is done and I'm onto my forth cast (strict order to not get it wet and stay the hell off of fears of that one!)
The cast is pulled off and I see what my leg has become! Staples pulled out...owww!!!
After staples are pulled out of my leg...the fifth cast goes on (yes...I had once again chosen the black cast!)
The large unveiling of the leg. The hair growth, the pen marks and everything else the result of surgery and various casts!
Moved to using a cane, but still cannot be upright for long periods of time....swelling and purple happen really quickly.
I am now "graduated" from physio. It was a long painful journey to this point, and I am sure it will continue to be challenging at times...but I have great a support system to get me through those times!
The journey...

The cast is pulled off and I see what my leg has become! Staples pulled out...owww!!!

I am so grateful for all the help that I received for the time that I went through this ordeal. It was with the help of so many people that I was able to keep my cheer and stubborn determination about me!