There are days for wearing red and hearts,
there are days for shamrock pins.
There are days for costumes,
there are days for santa hats.
There are days for balloons,
there are days for bunnies and chicks.
And then there is today, a day to celebrate the life of my Papa.
Today is the day for wearing something moose:)

I give thanks, I remember, and I rejoice in the fact that I had the chance to have my Papa so close for so long.  I am happy knowing that I had something that not everyone has the chance to have...a Papa that was there for 33 years of my life.  My grandfather, a man that helped to shape me into the woman I am today. A man that mentored me, was a role model, a friend, a teacher, a parent, and so much more!  He inspired me and helped me to become adventurous, cheerfully happy, determined, stubborn, strong, and all those other grand things:)


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