
Once again...a favourite holiday was upon me.  So, what do I do?!  Well...I get dressed of course:)

This year was again a multitude of costumes...

Ballroom dancing...I said I was trying to go for Anime, but the makeup didn't work out the way I wanted...so I just ended up as a male fantasty.

SNS...I convinced my friend to join me in a couples outfit (I think they can be really fun), so I went as Medusa to his Perseus.  I had a few other thoughts, but those would take a very brave man...and I haven't found that yet!

Work on Hallowe'en day...I went Goth (so much fun!)

Open Practise dancing...I went Hypothermic

Hallowe'en Night...I took in a lovely Burlesque show of Bourbon and Spice...and went as a ShowGirl (although there were many various guesses on what I REALLY was...)

 Until next year!!!


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