Prayer for Drew Cumpson

To all my amazing peeps. Some may know of the many injuries incurred within my immediately family, including my leg break while snowboarding two years ago, I anxiously counted the months until I could once again dance (and wear high heels!)  A mere two months after my break, I gave thanks for all that happened and my slow recovery...I knew that I was lucky to have only done what I did.  Especially when it was either a broken leg or flying full force into trees.  An amazing guy from my hometown did not fare as well that year, while surfing abroad, his accident resulted in becoming quadripalegic.  Although not directly related, my cousin married into the Cumpson family.

There are so many things that he has went through over the past two years and many years of recovery that still await him, and yet he has stayed positive, motivated and has become a true inspiration.  I cannot imagine the multitude of bills that they are now dealing with, and it saddens me to think of such a wonderful family going through this.  I am happy to say that community, family and friends are there for this young man on this new journey within his life. 
I am hoping that social media will help to spread the word and I am sending out a request on my end. I'm looking for peeps to go online and vote for free to help him acquire a van for mobility. He's only 22 years old and it saddens me to think of the length of recovery he has ahead.

For another glimpse into this journey of Drew, here is something worth reading....

Please share this, move it forward, it's such a small investment of time and energy that could make a huge difference.



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